Good afternoon fellow shareholders,
First of All, thank you, to all of you who have reached out to me via phone calls, text and emails. I have had a great pleasure in getting to know many of you and appreciate ALL of you who serve, or have served our country in many different areas from police officers, to military, to fire fighters, to nurses, to first responders, to teachers, etc.
After countless hours and over 1,000 emails and phone calls, I wanted to share what I have determined about the Trust Me Vodka status. There seems to be a consensus to move forward and raise money.
1.) We currently owe $296,692.31 and have loans from shareholders to the tune of $250,000.
2.) We currently have 4 individuals working very hard to keep the doors open. Each of them have not been paid in months as their desire is to help turn TMV back around but they simply cannot afford to continue any longer.
3.) We have 6 sales reps that only get paid when they create a sale and only receive their commission when the invoice is paid.
4.) We currently lease space in Carlsbad, CA which is the office Aldo works from. Aldo does the distribution and in house sales. We currently have approximately 7 pallets of Vodka (4,872 bottles) ready to ship out. Retail price of $29.99. Monthly Rent $2,105.34
5.) We also lease space in Idaho where we house approximately 139,600 bottles that are empty and ready to be filled. Monthly Rent $2,200
6.) Lastly we have leased space in Colorado where we house our small bottles and where they are individually mixed and filled. Monthly Rent $1,980
Where do we go from here?
Option 1
Everyone quits and TMV will end up in bankruptcy with creditors fighting to secure what they can. Which is basically nothing and we all end up with $0
Option 2
We try to sell the company for whatever we can. Bottom line is that all of us end up in the same situation most likely as Option 1 and that is having a worthless piece of paper to put it bluntly. We have tried to sell the company previously, unfortunately without any success.
Option 3.
(Personally I believe this is the best option as it keeps us moving forward since we are very close to break even! Most of those that I spoke with have an extremely positive outlook and believe in our product. Most of you don’t want to give up but it will take us all making an effort. We are now in some BevMos and Total Wine and More stores. Many successful companies were also on the verge of bankruptcy but learned from their past mistakes and corrected them.)
1.) We as shareholders reinvest and each of us purchases at least 3 shares at $36 per share. This would give us $1,954,800 approximately. I understand that some shareholders financially cannot purchase any more shares but there are others who can purchase significantly more. I would say that if we do not raise a minimum of $1,250,000 then we will not move forward. My idea is to have everyone that is willing to purchase more shares send an email to me personally, putting the number of shares and the dollar amount you wish to invest into the subject line. I will then add up all of those who decide this is a good idea and if we hit the minimum of $1,250,000, then, and only then, will anyone mail in their checks or venmo or zelle, etc. This way no one is reinvesting without knowing we hit the minimum and have a plan moving forward.
$1,954,800 minus the debt of $296,692.31 would leave us with $1,658,107.69
$1,658,107.69 minus the loans of $250,000 would leave us with $1,408,107.69
2.) We have identified a consultant in the industry to create a business plan that would give us a new road map moving forward for the best odds of success. He would deliver the business plan by January 2, 2025. He has an amazing record and with his current company and he has helped them double their gross profit from $17 million to over $40 after 1 year and then over $90 million in the second year and over $175 million in the third year with projections of over $261 million in 2025. His fee for creating the business plan would be $35,000 and he would charge us an additional $35,000 if we so chose to have him interview and find our next CEO
3.) We pick 5 board members to hire a new CEO to implement the new business plan and hold the CEO accountable.
4.) Continue to operate with our current sales until the New CEO is hired
5.) Fill 20,000 new bottles at approximately $6 per bottle We may be able to negotiate a cheaper price.
6.) Terminate the Colorado operation and move all the bottles and belongings to the Idaho location.
Option 4
One shareholder suggested doing an Asset Sale which relieves the new company from any and all previous obligations. The Asset Sale would most likely not give any of us any money back but would allow existing shareholders to invest in the new company with preferred stock and a discounted price for common stock.
Thank you all for your time and obviously our actions will speak for themselves. 16 Days to make a decision but please don’t wait till the end to email me with the number of shares you are willing to purchase. I will update everyone on the money raised (meaning commitments via email) If we do not have the minimum amount of money committed by Nov 30, 2024 then the decision will be made for TMV to be shut down for good or sold.
John Murphy
Cell: 602.363.6400
Great things are done by a series of small things brought together.
Vincent Van Gogh